Ayie Biie | The Popular Underdog

Photo Credit: @seafoamsound

Photo Credit: @seafoamsound

Who’s the Popular Underdog?

The Popular Underdog is my AKA, maybe you can say it’s an alter ego, but it’s growing. I came up with that name based on how I was in school. Growing up, I always thought of my self as the person that was friends with everybody, but I didn’t belong to any specific social categories. I hung with the so-called “popular kids,” but then some times you’ll see me with what people would say the “nerds.” (I was also in band so that played a part lol). So I call my self a Popular Underdog who’s sometimes misunderstood.

What is it like to be a Tomboi in the music industry? Can you give us an example of a challenging time as a Tomboi.

Being a Tomboi or Stud/Butch in the industry has been cool to sum it up. I get along with almost everybody. There are some challenges with being in a male-dominated field, particularly with music production and DJ-ing, I feel there may have been times I wasn’t taken seriously based on how I dress or just by being a woman. As a masculine woman, some may think I’m just trying to fit in with guys, or I’m trying to be one, but, in reality, I am just me. I want to be looked at as a person rather than my sexual orientation or gender.

What does your perfect day look like?

A perfect day for me is simple and creative. I wake up between 9 AM-10 AM, grab food, and something caffeinated. By the afternoon, I’m somewhere with my artists in a studio session or recording a new artist at my studio, The Melodic Factory. Throughout the day, I’m just being productive.

Photo Credit: @moodindustries

Photo Credit: @moodindustries

What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned or trying to learn?

The hardest lesson would be to stay consistent. If you want something or have goals, you can achieve them, but you have to keep applying yourself. Throughout life, I have switched up my agenda and focus because sometimes I’ve had doubts about what I’m pursuing, but you really just have to pick one thing and keep going at it. Stay consistent!

What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?

I would love to go back to listening to music on CDs. Buying CDs and going to the music store. I miss opening up CD cases and reading the album info and learning who is REALLY behind the music.

Ayie Biie hails from the East Coast of Virginia. They moved to Phoenix in March of 2016. They're a DJ and producer for their self-made studio, The Melodic Factory. They're also one-fourth of the group, The Mahogany 4.

Photo Credit: @sophiailona

Photo Credit: @sophiailona

Photo Credit: @sophiailona

Photo Credit: @sophiailona

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